The on-demand recording can be found here. microsoft 365 3. Integrity Against Modification or Destruction Government employees want to successfully meet their mission but they are also prone to or modifying key data. This puts your agency at risk to fail compliance checks with federal mandates for privacy security or records management (i.e. HIPAA ITAR CMMC or NARA) or local laws such as the City of Port St. Lucie compliance with Florida’s Sunshine State laws.
IT’s job is to provide an environment that automates the security and integrity of your content while enabling users with access to the tools they need and avoiding lengthy Latest Mailing Database waits for manual management and lifecycle processes. It is also important to guide your users down the right path not only with training and education but by providing mission-focused use cases and examples throughout the solution reinforcing how and why users should use them instead of going off on their own.
Keeping Integrity of Information Within a Flexible Environment Ultimately your employees will not use the tools you provide if they offer more roadblocks than solutions. Your IT department must balance controls and security with collaboration and flexibility and to do this you’ll either need the headcount to support the manual processes or a means to automate these processes into predefined workflows. Note that to keep your data in an environment you can protect means not only finding this balance but also providing a means to identify any exceptions to the process over time.